Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fast Food: Whole Foods Cheddar Biscuits

I tried once to make the gf version of the Red Lobster cheddar biscuits.  Ohhhh fail.  Fail fail fail.  It was cheddar starch soup.  I couldn't get xanthan gum in Japan and thought if I just put a bit more starch in there it would be nice and firm.  It ended up being a pretty tasty cracker at first, then I put it in a brownie pan and made some kind of cheesy cornbread. 

I wondered if the cheddar biscuits at Whole Foods would be anything like the Red Lobster biscuits of my dreams.

Well ... not quite.  They're undoubtedly good.  I put it in the oven for 10 minutes and it browned a little bit and was quite good in the texture department (except right in the center).  However, I couldn't get over the feeling that it tasted like ... soup.  It's a cheddar biscuit full of chives!  Chives!  Like soup!  So mostly I tasted bread and chives and not enough cheddar or anything else. 

Pretty good.  $10 worth of good for 8 biscuits?  Well ... I don't know about that.  But pretty good. 

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