Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Gluten Free Cafe - Chicken Noodle Soup

Of all the foods I think I missed, soup was near the top of the list.  Just about every commercially available soup has some sort of noodle or gluteny thickener in it.  Progresso has a few varieties of soup that they label as gluten-free (clam chowder, mushroom, and some kind of chicken/corn chowder) and which are pretty good.  But sometimes you want one of those less fatty soups.  You want a toasty cheese sandwich and a bowl of vegetable soup. 

You want some freakin' chicken noodle.

I bought this at a local store.  It cost a bit, as cans will when you're halfway across an ocean.  I'd had the mushroom variety when I was living in Japan, so I trusted it to not be awful. 

It isn't awful. 

I'm not sure if I love it, though.  My first impression was that the broth has a very distinctly celery-ish flavor.  I'm not sure that anything but celery should ever taste like celery (I am anti-celery in soups).  The soup does include celery and carrot, as well as noodles and the rare piece of chicken (just like Campbell's!).  The chicken doesn't taste so awesome (just like Campbell's!) and the noodles won't stay on my spoon.  I'm kind of sure the noodles don't even have a flavor.  Maybe the broth is just too strong. 

It isn't ... horrible.  I ate the whole can.  I just think it's a bit too seasoned for my tastes.

One can is about two servings.  One serving will give you 90 calories, 760 mg of sodium, 2g of fiber, 4g of protein, 30% of your vitamin A, and 25% of both calcium and iron. 

Sweet!  I just got 50% of my iron!

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